Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And it begins...

My is Julius and as of August 9, 2011 I will be a first year pharmacy student. I've always liked to write but normally it takes way too much time to come up with anything original or creative. So, instead, I decided to take the easy way out and just write about my life as a pharmacy student. I haven't started just yet, though, but I figure I could give you guys a little insight into my life before all of the late nights, research papers, and 20 oz cups of coffee.

So, here goes...

Like I said earlier, my name is Julius and I'm 26 years old. I have a beautiful and amazing girlfriend--Wende--who will soon be my wife; so along with the studying, new friends and crazy professors, you'll be reading a lot about her as well. Also, it's important to know that I can be a little OCD at times, which is why I'm going to ask for your forgiveness upfront for anything I say, do, or write in the future. I'm also a huge health-nut. Exercise and low-fat foods are my best friend, especially during the week. This actually stems from losing around 50 lbs but I'll talk more about that later. And lastly, I come from a pretty large family, who, by the way, Wende was able to meet this past Memorial Day weekend. My dad, who is famous for his amazing BBQ's, threw a massive Memorial Day cookout and my entire extended family showed up. At first I'm pretty sure Wende was a little taken-aback, but soon thereafter she was in the swing of things and mingling like a pro. And while she mingled and laughed, I think I ate enough food to feed a small African village. Eating like that definitely cost me, though. I woke up this morning feeling like I was pregnant. But just like always, I was back in the gym early this morning, doing my usual hour workout. And just for the record, holidays and weekends are the only times I usually break my 'eating healthy' rule. The way I see it is, it ain't life unless you live a little.  

Now as far as the pharmacy school related stuff is concerned, I've mostly been getting all of my paper work done, as pharmacy school requires a lot of you before starting. Just this past Sunday, come to think of it, I was attending a CPR class. The pharmacy school requires it. (And, yes, it was during the same Sunday as our cookout. Luckily, though, the class ended three hours ahead of schedule and I was able to make the feast without missing a beat.) Oh and let's not forget the physical, TB test, immunization shots and student records. Quite frankly, the list could go on for days, but I'm not going to bore you with all of our bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo. Just know, though, that I've had to get a lot of things in order before I start. (Matter of fact, I think I may tell you guys about the admissions process for my next blog entry.)

And since I have two months before school starts, you'll mostly hear about all the crazy adventures my girlfriend, friends, and family members get ourselves into while I wait. For starters, Wende and I are going to a Johnny Lang concert this upcoming weekend. I'll be sure to keep you posted on how that goes. I hope you enjoy the read. And thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing all that paperwork! I felt like I was applying a job for the FBI with all the things they make us complete.
