Wednesday, June 1, 2011

We're seeing a Therapist

So, Wende and I are seeing a pre-marriage counselor tomorrow. And I have to admit, at first, the idea seemed dumb; but the more I think about it, the more I feel like this is for the best. While Wende and I definitely have an amazing relationship, there are still a few kinks that need to be worked out before we say I do.

You see, our biggest problem stems from hurtful and misguided things that were said and done in past. And while, for the most part, we've tried our best to reconcile those issues, they have way of popping back up occasionally. And being as such, we decided pre-marriage counseling was our best bet, especially since we plan on getting married this July. The last thing we need is to bring unfinished, unresolved business into a new and happy marriage. Her parents are all for it. And, like I said earlier, I wasn't too gung-ho originally but now I think it's definitely the best option.

I've never met the guy we're going see but he is a Christian counselor, which is very important to both of us; and from what I can tell he seems pretty qualified. He and I spoke over the phone this morning and, quite frankly, I was very impressed with his candor and advise. He seemed to know what he was talking about, which, I guess, is to be expected. After all, the guy is an "expert". But, then again, these days you can't be too careful. Some of these idiots out there think they've got all the answers, and, unfortunately, don't know diddly-squat.

Our appointment is tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. And while I'm looking forward to our little meeting, I'm not looking forward to paying this guy. You'd think with him being a Christian counselor and all he wouldn't charge an arm and leg. One hour with this guy is a whopping $136.00. Yeah, you read that correctly. For one stinking hour!! I've decided we better handle every single issue we've ever had during this visit, because Lord knows I'm not trying to shell out that much cash on a regular basis. I'm still a student for goodness sakes. And, of course, I say this now but I can almost assure you I'll probably end up writing about how awesome our meeting went and how I can't wait to go back. I'm trying my best not to go into this thing with unrealistic expectations, but, at the same time, I'm really optimistic about the outcome.

Here goes nothing...


  1. Woah $136?!

    I think it's a great step (aside from the money) to help you both start off married life well. Best of luck to you both!

  2. Thanks. The session went really well, actually. I'll be sure to blog about it on my next post.
